April 29, the Union Jack will fly through the streets of the United Kingdom. The avenues are adorned with London country colors in this wedding day and the British can let themselves go to vibrate in a patriotic fervor. But what about the fiber of the British royalist? Will they really go behind the gates that separate the people's monarchy?
According to forecasts, but the polls, the monarchy still has good days ahead. More than 500,000 Britons are expected in the streets of London to celebrate the newlyweds and nearly 4,000 "street parties" (street parties, Ed) are contained in the British capital on the wedding day.Nearly 70% of Britons remain attached to the crown, according to a poll: two thirds of them decided to stay home for the weekend's royal wedding, and nearly 77% of them intend to follow the royal wedding on television.The monarchy, a common referenceAlthough the royal family has had a cold sweat at the social crises that have shaken England last December - the Rolls Royce of Prince Charles and Camilla has borne the brunt of the wrath of protesters in London against the reduction of budgets of higher education and higher tuition at the university decided by the Conservative government of Cameron - the stormy episodes have never harmed the monarchy. On the contrary. In times of austerity, the British monarchy plébiscitent who became a pillar facing the common economic and social turmoil."In a crisis, they are better off with a queen with a president who monopolizes power. The queen, who has a sense of duty and did not commit a blunder, is the best advertising the monarchy, "said FRANCE 24 Anne-Elisabeth Moutet, a journalist with the British Sunday Telegraph. Furthermore, in a UK multicultural, multifaith and engaged in two armed conflicts around the world (in Libya and Afghanistan), the crown remains the guarantor of national unity. "The monarchy is an element of unity and integration.People from the Commonwealth are royalists and they will surely be present in the streets on the wedding day, "said Anne-Elisabeth Moutet yet. Queen Elizabeth II is in fact the head of state of sixteen countries of the Commonwealth - the number which include Australia, Canada or New Zealand. The Republican alternative is possible?
The republican movement, however, relies on the British royal wedding to his communication. Represent a fringe minority of the population, Republican nourish the hope that the monarchy will be buried along with the queen, now aged 85 years.In early 1990, when the divorce of Charles and Diana, and a year later by the death of the popular Lady Di, the republican movement has soared in the polls. It reaches its highest popularity during the funeral of Diana, the first week of September 1997. The splendor of marriage, the total cost for the British is estimated at 33 million euros (11 million for the wedding itself, and 22 million for public safety), while the kingdom's finances are more evil gives ammunition to critics of the monarchy. But they were quickly contradicted by the expectation that marriage should bring about 700 million euros in the kingdom."Marriage in times of crisis is a tradition. In 1947 [year of the marriage of Queen Elizabeth II with Prince Philip, Ed], the United Kingdom had not relieved of the war. In 1981 [year of marriage Charles and Diana] was also a crisis, just before the revival of Thatcher. And all these marriages have accompanied the economic recovery, "adds Anne-Elisabeth Moutet. Republic, a small anti-monarchist organization, has planned to stage a parody anti-royalist and sassy marriage on D-Day Graham Smith, his campaign manager, has already organized an event in early March before the gates of Buckingham Palace: only about twenty people came. The revolution will not happen overnight.